10 things to know about hosting

Hosting is core to our brand but we’re not going to lie - sometimes it could be overwhelming. What we do know for sure is that we never regret hosting or attending a family or friends dinner which is why we want to do it more and encourage others to do the same. We put together a checklist for anyone looking to host to ensure all your bases are covered and most importantly, so that you and your friends/family have a great time creating memories together.

1. Guest list

Make sure who you’re inviting is a group of people you actually want to spend time with - seems like a given but we think this is a big reason why people don’t host.

2. Select a menu

Create a menu/theme that is simple yet exciting for you and your guests - while we love to cook, we are also big believers in ordering in and re-plating (whatever makes it easier for you to actually do it). We always aim to have 2-3 crowd pleaser sides. We also always ensure having a green at the table - whether that be a salad or roasted veggies to accompany the mains.

Dessert/coffee - we always like to end our hosted meals with a little sweet and offer espressos to everyone. This is also a great way to encourage post-meal hanging out and conversation.

3. Have starters upon arrival

Depending on the overall theme, these can change but we typically like having nuts, charcuterie boards, dips, crackers and/or crudite. 

People have varying hunger levels when they get to dinner parties - this is a good way to ensure that no one gets hangry.

4. Make sure your home is clean

There’s no better feeling than stepping into a home that has that clean and inviting essence.

5. Unload your dishwasher

Ensure the dishwasher is unloaded before people arrive so that clean up is easy (all of our plates/items are dishwasher safe).

6. Light candles for a vibe

Light candles around the house (some scented some not scented) - candles create that cozy and delicious sensation that just makes you want to unclench and relax.

7. Add a tasteful amount of florals

Adding flowers around the home and a tasteful amount to the dining table really elevates the room and the overall experience. We always try to ensure that the florals aren’t too tall so that you can see everyone and also that they don’t take up too much space on the table.

Source: pinterest

8. Pick a playlist

Music is such an important part to overall ambiance

We love a bossanova jazz station on Spotify to create that Nancy Meyers vibe but depending on the occasion - we’ll switch it up. Spotify offers many already-made playlists depending on your theme/mood but we’ve put together some of our favorite’s HERE.

9. Offer alcoholic / non-alcoholic drinks

Having a mix to offer people is great - we love to have red and white wine, beer and non-alcoholic drinks like kombucha, sparkling water and fun non-alc drinks like Ghia.

10. Be yourself

We know this can sound cheesy/cliche BUT it’s truly the most important point on the entire list as it pertains to curating a welcoming experience. There is nothing more inviting than a host who is genuinely happy to have you, is present and doesn’t take it too seriously. This is a reminder for us too - but people really just remember how you make them feel. Even if the food is meh - if you are being yourself, are present and excited to be with your guests, we can guarantee you will have the best time. 

Bonus: Pro-tips

We’re not pro’s but we did learn from a pro aka our mom.

Have tupperware ready to either put leftovers away or have to-go tupperware for your guests to take home. Could be really cute!
